Rushing through the RE5 exam paper. This can be detrimental to your RE5 success as it leads to vital bits of information being misinterpreted or missed altogether. We encourage our students to read every question at least 3 times slowly in order to fully comprehend what a particular question is asking. Taking the time to read a question carefully allows you to process and then correctly determine the topic or concept the question is focusing on.
Negative style RE5 questions are not taken seriously enough. The intention of negative style questions is to cause doubt and uncertainty in the mind of the student. The moment you see the word “NOT” in an RE5 question, immediately underline the word and tell yourself the question is a negative one. By identifying that a question is negative from the onset immediately directs the thinking accordingly and helps filter out the incorrect answers.
Not marking down important facts in an RE5 question. This can easily be overlooked but marking facts in a question can enable you to recognize exactly what the examiner is trying to ask. We always encourage our students to take along markers on RE5 exam day in order to help them highlight facts and identify vital bits of information. These golden nuggets of information presented in a question will drive you to the correct answer.
Students do not eat before writing the RE5 exam. This is tiny detail that can hamper your performance on RE5 exam day. It’s always harder to concentrate when the tummy is growling in a silent exam room. Our recommendation, ensure that you eat breakfast on exam day and take along a snack and water when you are busy with the RE5 exam.